The Waiting Is The Hardest Part…

The waiting is the hardest part
Every day you see one more card
You take it on faith, you take it to the heart
The waiting is the hardest part

Oh Tom Petty, truer words were never spoken.  Waiting.  Waiting.  Waiting…this whole baby making process, it seems like that’s all I ever do.  You wait for AF…you wait for your body to cooperate…you wait for the next procedure…you wait for the test results…repeat ad infinitum.  You hope someday all the waiting will come to an end.

Right now I’m waiting.  It’s excruciating.  It’s worse knowing that once this cycle starts, nothing will happen.  I’ll have to wait for the next one.  If it were to start today (which it won’t) it could be August or September before we get to even attempt another IUI.  AHHHHHHHHHH!!!

How do you cope with the waiting?  Is there anything that can sooth the pain of waiting?  Tick…tock…tick…tock…tick…tock…

4 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. barrenness
    May 01, 2009 @ 16:27:03

    You are so right – the waiting is truly the hardest part. Most of this journey is spent looking at the calendar and watching the days pass by. Mr. B and I try to create other things to anticipate. We plan visits with friends we haven’t seen in years or work on completing projects around our home. The weeks go by fast because we both have busy jobs, so I try to keep us as busy as possible on the weekends. It makes days and weeks go by faster, but I’m afraid it still doesn’t do much to keep your heart from aching during the wait. Sorry to hear your body is making you wait so long. I hope you start a new cycle soon. Good luck finding distractions!


  2. meggomae
    May 01, 2009 @ 16:54:42

    Thanks for the comment. Yeah – I’ve got a *few* project around my house I really should do…my problem right now is motivation. I’m so not motivated to do anything right now – I’m in a major funk. I just can’t seem to convince myself that it’s really worth it to clean out the closets, or go through everything we need to get rid of before we move in June…I guess that makes the waiting worse.


  3. rjamesking
    May 03, 2009 @ 19:22:21

    Have you found a PCOS support group near you? I would totally jump on that. Also? I would ask for some progesterone to regulate your periods before the next IUI. But that’s just me.. and I am somewhat demanding. I don’t know if I already told you this… but my RE here in INDY is really respected in the field esp dealing with pcos. If you ever want his info or want to interview him… email me and I will pass on his info. If you were less than 3 hours away, I would so make you grab coffee with me.


  4. meggomae
    May 04, 2009 @ 20:20:06

    I’ve never even thought to look for a support group…I’m not sure how I’d do in a group. I have a hard time speaking about this stuff out loud…that’s why this blog is helpful, but it’s something I may look into…

    And in good news, my doc today said I’d be taking progesterone in 2 weeks! You must by psychic or something!


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