#infertility campaign (on Twitter)

On April 19th I started a campaign to make #infertility a trending topic on Twitter. Sadly, that effort failed (you can read my post all about that attempt by clicking here).

However, on April 26th I’ll be trying again, with the help of lot of some wonderful Twitter friends!
Our goal: to get #infertility as one of the Top 10 Trending topics.

Why April 26th? Well because April 25-May 1st is National Infertility Awareness Week, created by Resolve.org and I wanted to be a part of that this year!

How can you get involved? Tweet, tweet, tweet! On April 26th simply add #infertility to ALL of your tweets for the day and try to get your friends to join in, too! A bunch of us are already working to grab the notice of The Ellen DeGeneres show to help us! If you can help with that, you can start any time by tweeting to @TheEllenShow. You can say something like “@TheEllenShow Help my campaign to make #infertility a Trending Topic on Twitter on Ap 26 as part of Nat’l #Infertility Awareness Week!”

Why are you doing this? I’m doing this because I think it’s important to not hide infertility from the world.  Too many of us who suffer from infertility are “in the closet” so to speak due to the shame and pain of it all.  People are uncomfortable with the subject and uneducated because of that.  Too often insensitive comments are made by well meaning people because they simply do not know better, and I think it’s time we changed that!  I know many IFers are not ready to come out to friends and family and I understand completely!  I still struggle with being “out” and with face to face conversations about my struggles.  I’m MUCH more comfortable behind this computer screen, but I’m working on it.  If we can win this one small battle I think it would go a long way towards awareness and education.

Anything else? Why yes, thank you for asking!  I’ve made a cute little button to help “advertise” for this event.  If you’d like, you can add it to your blog, twitter profile pic, Facebook profile pic, whatever!  Maybe print flyers and hang them around town!  Whatever you want to do with it to make it visible and help the campaign would be welcome.  Grab the button below by either saving it to your computer (for the larger size) or grabbing the code (for the smaller size).

Thank you all in advance for your help with this, I know we can do it!!

<a href=”https://babythornburgh.wordpress.com&#8221; target=”_blank”><img src=”http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4047/4538533746_ab1dfb5be9_o.jpg&#8221; width=”240″ height=”171″ /></a>

2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. amber1279
    Apr 20, 2010 @ 19:37:06

    It was so great to see everyone joining in on the #infertility trend yesterday! I will spread the word about the 26th!


  2. Sonja
    Apr 21, 2010 @ 22:11:03

    I have the button up and will spread the word!


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